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I Am Powerful

Jul 1, 2020

Say that to yourself. Out loud. “I am powerful.” Do you believe it? Do you feel the truth in it? Do you doubt it? Why?

What is power? What does power mean to you? Is power strength? Is it kindness? Is it status? Is it voice? What is it? What does power mean to you? And why don’t you think you have it?

Why this matters to me

I have a belief that I am working to correct. That belief is that I am not enough. That I am not what others want. My voice isn’t strong enough. It doesn’t matter enough. I am not enough and am therefore powerless.

It’s a false belief. It’s a false belief for me, and it’s a false belief for anyone who believes it.

Here’s why it’s a false belief

God made you the way you are for a reason. He does not make mistakes. Did he make us with weaknesses? 100%, because we need those weaknesses to grow. Because we need those weaknesses to become stronger.

It’s like muscle. Muscle is weak at first. Think of a baby. It is weak. It cannot walk. It cannot grasp a spoon. But as the baby grows, he or she works his or her muscle, becoming stronger, developing the muscle, so he or she can do more.

Think of athletes. They didn’t start out with the ability they have. Even with natural talent, they had to work and develop their physical and mental muscles. Only through embracing their weaknesses and then working to overcome them have they gotten to where they are.

Think of a potters clay. The clay is weak, moldable. Only though its weakness and malleability is the potter able to turn the clay into a vase or a pot, something the potter meant it to be.

God made us with weaknesses, yes, so we can develop our weaknesses and become stronger, so we can reach the potential He has for us. Weaknesses DO NOT mean we are not enough, that we are powerless. They mean we have the potential to grow, to become something more.

AND, besides weaknesses, God gave us talents, characteristics, abilities that are uniquely our own. We are different for a reason. We are different on the outside, and we are different on the inside. And our differences, the uniqueness we have in each of us, is there to better God’s world, to better His children, to better us.

We were not put here in a bubble to be left only to our own devices. We were put here together, to share in this experience, to learn and grow from one another. That means that others were put here for you to learn and grow from them. AND, you were put here so others could learn and grow from you.

You are powerful. You have a uniqueness that the world needs. And that uniqueness is extremely and beautifully powerful.

It is powerful because you are who God meant you to be, because power is not in status or control, but in contribution to this beautiful world, in love to others, in being uniquely you and letting your beautiful light shine for others.

I am powerful

This is a true statement. It is true about me, and it is true about you. You are powerful! You, yes, YOU are powerful!

You are powerful because:

  1. You have strong beliefs

  2. You matter

  3. You have talents

  4. You have a voice

  5. You are alive

  6. You can dream

  7. You can create

  8. You can do

  9. You are a child of God

  10. You have thoughts

  11. You have opinions

  12. You are strong

  13. You care about others

  14. You value kindness

  15. You have something beautiful to share with the world.

The list could go on, and on, and on.

The point is that you are powerful.

Why did I write this?

It’s in my heart. That’s the best way I can put it. I sat down at my computer, ready to type up something else, but this came out. It’s in my heart. It’s something I needed to hear from myself. And maybe someone else needed to hear it too.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you found value in it.


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