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The Biggest Lie: I’m Not Creative

Oct 12, 2020


You’ve heard it. You’ve possibly said it. Or maybe you’ve thought it. You know the phrase: “I’m not creative.”

It’s a LIE!

Why do you think you are not creative? Is it because you can’t paint as well as that person? Is it because you can’t sing as well? Is it because you’re unsure how to decorate a space? Or maybe you’re not interested in crafts?

Those things do not make you creative. Just because you’re not good at one thing or don’t like one thing, does not mean you are not creative. On the contrary, YOU. ARE. CREATIVE.

You, Not Creative? It’s a Lie!

Here’s the test. Answer truthfully to the following questions:

  1. Have you ever planned anything–maybe a social event or a meeting or a presentation and put some kind of effort into it to ensure it’s entertaining, good, explanatory, etc.?

  2. Have you ever told a lie with expounded story (I’m not talking about answering yes or no to a question)?

  3. Have you ever had an idea to do something adventurous like go on a hike or explore a cave or swim in the ocean?

  4. Do you like traditional creative things (art, written works, music, etc.) for their artistic nature?

  5. Do you day dream about doing something creative (baking a pie, playing the piano, building a table, scrapbooking, etc.)?

  6. Are you a problem solver at work or in your daily life?

  7. Have you ever had an idea to do something in a different way?

If you answered yes to any of these (and I’m sure you did, unless you’re lying to yourself some more) then you are creative. At least you have a creative mind.

The difference between you, if you’re stuck in this lie, and those the world deems “creative,” those you deem “creative,” is that those people put their creativity into action and they embrace it for the mere fact that they enjoy it and want to keep growing.

In truth, a lot of creativity is combining curiosity and action.

Curiosity + Action = Creativity

Why You May Not Think You’re Creative

Maybe it’s because you’re not perfect at it. We’ll guess what. No one is when they first start out. Everyone has to learn somewhere. It takes effort, time, and learning to get better, to get to where those people are whom you’re comparing yourself to.

Maybe it’s because you haven’t found your creative passion, something you really enjoy doing. You have ideas, but you’re not sure what medium to use to get them out into the world, or in front of yourself. I get it. That can be frustrating. But, here’s the thing, you’ll never know if you don’t try something. Maybe put that idea to song. Or make a video. Or turn it into a cake. Or pick up glass blowing. Try a few things and see what best fits this idea you have.

Maybe it’s because someone made fun of you for your creative passion once. First, that guy/gal is a jerk. No one should make fun of another person’s creativity. It’s not meant to be perfect all the time. It’s personal and dear to the heart. Anything that comes from the heart is precious. Second, I hope you’ll find a way to heal from that horrible experience and pick up your creative passion again. It’s what your heart yearns for. It’s calling to you. The world needs your creativity.

Maybe it’s because you were taught creativity is frivolous and a waste of time. Well, that’s just stupid. Creativity is what makes the world turn. It’s what gave us the wheel and bread–the two greatest inventions. It’s what gave us horse-drawn carriages and pulley systems and books and TV and all the things we take for granted. Someone thought those things up. They were curious and they worked and worked on something until they got what we have today. Creativity is in everything, even in the most analytical job.

I could go on, if I really wanted to. The point is, there are a million reasons why you may think you are not creative. And I wish you could see the truth.

You are creative in a way that is unique and beautiful to you. I hope you come to see it and embrace it.


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